Reliably and quickly to any address in Slovakia or Europe.

  • Trucking


    We are ready to deliver any goods at regular or irregular intervals. Anytime and almost anywhere.

  • Car rental


    Our car rental service covers a large fleet of cars and trucks. Whether you need to rent a passenger car for the transport of four to eight people, or a van for the transport of goods, we have a solution for you.

  • Express transport


    Working with express shipments always requires maximum team responsibility and 24/7 customer service. We assume full responsibility for your shipment and guarantee that it will arrive on time. Rely on it.

  • Logistics and warehouse.


    We plan the journey of your goods from the very beginning to delivery to the customer. We also control the backflows, achieving maximum efficiency of two-way transportation. We guarantee our knowledge, market monitoring and continuous education in our area

  • Tow service.


    We provide towing service for cars and vans. Distance does not matter. We'll drag you wherever you are. Towing service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.